In September 2023, there is an international campaign #ACT4SDGs accompanying the midterm review of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Members of the Anglican-Episcopal Church of St. Boniface in Augsburg reflected about how to find a spiritual motivation as well as impulses for action in this field. Already some years ago, The Salvation Army [TSA] posed following questions in the context of the SDGs:
What does the Bible teach?
What should we pray for?
What can we do?
We tried to adapt this into our context. Here is a compact list of or 17 created pages, followed by our sources which we used for compilation:
SDG 1 – Prayer Wall – No Poverty
SDG 2 – Prayer Wall – Zero Hunger
SDG 3 – Prayer Wall – Good Health and Well-Being
SDG 4 – Prayer Wall – Quality Education
SDG 5 – Prayer Wall – Gender Equality
SDG 6 – Prayer Wall – Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7 – Prayer Wall – Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8 – Prayer Wall – Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9 – Prayer Wall – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 10 – Prayer Wall – Reduce Inequalities
SDG 11 – Prayer Wall – Sustainable Cities and Economies
SDG 12 – Prayer Wall – Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 13 – Prayer Wall – Climate Action
SDG 14 – Prayer Wall – Life Below Water
SDG 15 – Prayer Wall – Life on Land
SDG 16 – Prayer Wall – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 – Prayer Wall – Partnership for the Goals
[TSA] Several years ago, The Salvation Army conducted a SDG campaign with the motto Go and Do Something. A PDF, containing bible qoutes, intercessions and action ideas for each SDG, can be downloaded here:
[M-US] Several years ago, Micah Challenge USA created for each SDG one slide, containing a biblical impulse as well as intercessions. Although we found no direct page of Micah USA, you can view this document here:
[M-CH] StopArmut, the Swiss branch of the worldwide Micah Initiative, also conducted a SDG campaign God’s Global Goals and published a PDF in German, containing information, biblical impulses and action ideas for each SDG. It is also available in French. If you follow one of these two links you will find the PDF in your preferred language.
[M-DE] If you live in Germany and want to act for Climate Justice and the SDGs from a Christian point of view, kindly have a look at this page of Micha Deutschland:
[MIN] The Münchner Initiative Nachhaltigkeit (Munich Initiative for Sustainability) is occupied with implementing the SDGs in the Munich area. They created a very compact TuDu-Liste, containing for each SDG three simple To-Dos for personal use (PDF is in German, „TuDu“ is a German pun meaning „you do it!“).
[17Z] Page contains a lot of information in German. In particular, files for printing beer coasters describing the SDGs in several German regional langages are available there.
German Version
A German version of this prayer wall is available here: SDG Gebetswand
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You can also contact the editor (and current treasurer of St. Boniface) Tobias Hamberger via e-Mail: