Welcome to all our friends:
You are invited to our Sunday Service at 3:00 PM.
(New service time since February 2024 – Our former service time of 4:30 is no longer valid!)
Our services are in the Auferstehungskirche at Garmischer Str. 2
(And sometimes in adjacent Church Hall at Garmischer Str. 6 – In case of doubt, look also to the other place.)
For people who cannot come in-person, our services are held in Hybrid format:
For Zoom login (Meeting ID: 929 372 26 600), follow the link zoom.anglican.at (code 1234, if asked)
See our report from Advent time (by Sarah Gandorfer) in „Review of Events“ below!
Services in January + February 2025: (last updated on 14 January)
Each Sunday at 15:00, we meet for Eucharist Service in Church.
We will inform you, if we meet in adjacent Church Hall or Online instead.
In January / February, each Sunday has a certain motto:
Review of Events – Making Of or Baking Of?
Enjoying the Christmas season
Just in time for the 1st Advent, church activities in our parish started. They began with our joint baking event for the sale of our biscuits for the „Lessons & Carols“ service. Special mention must be made of our children, who helped diligently. They also showed great creativity in decorating the baked goods:Â
For me, singing Christmas carols is always a highlight of the „Lessons & Carols“. They emphasise the Bible passages read out with verve. These start with the beginning of the world, continue with the proclamation of a coming Messiah and end with the birth of Jesus Christ.Â
The service is always followed by a cosy get-together with cake, tea and punch. Here, our Christmas biscuits as well as real English orange marmalade was sold.
Our Services are mostly hybrid and allows active participation to those who are checking in remotely for various reasons. The Zoom code is: 929 372 26 600 – or you can enter via zoom.anglican.at
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. You can contact us via the Facebook Messenger function or via the contact details indicated on our webpage at any time. We just kindly ask you to calculate with a few hours for us to respond.

Our services are at the moment Eucharist services, but with no separate child care and no regular Church coffee. Some things did not change, though: You are still most welcome to any of our services or other events, whatever your religious background, country of origin or walk of life is.
Die Feier von Gottesdiensten mit Abendmahlsfeier wurde wieder aufgenommen, jedoch ohne Kinderbetreuung und ohne regelmäßigem Kirchencafe. Teilnahme ist vor Ort oder online per Zoom möglich.
Unsere Gottesdienste finden jeweils vorwiegend in englischer Sprache (als meistverstandene Sprache in unserer Gemeinde) statt. Prinzipiell können jedoch viele der im Gottesdienst verwendeten Texte auch in anderen gängigen Sprachen zugänglich gemacht werden.
Please note again, that since February, our Service time ist at 3:00 PM.FR
Chaque Dimanche à 15:00: Eucharistie ou vêpres en langue anglaise. Les textes principaux en français seront à votre disposition sur demande.
EucaristĂa o oraciĂłn de la tarde: Cada domingo a las 15:00 en idioma inglĂ©s, textos disponibles tambiĂ©n en castillano – bienvenidos.
Santa Eucharistia o preghiera dalla sera in inglese tutte le domeniche a 15:00 ore.
Meeting dates and venues of the Bishop’s Committee (Vestry, Church Council), the Daughters of the King (Women’s lay order) and the King’s Men (Men’s group) upon request.