(last updated at 22 July 2023)
In the header, we say „Home is where the Pine Cone is“. If you wonder about that sentence: With „Pine Cone“, we mean the German „Zirbelnuss“, which is in the Coat of Arms of the City of Augsburg. Also the local Verein FC Augsburg of the German Fussball-Bundesliga carries the Zirbelnuss in its Coat of Arms.
(For the meaning of our own Coat of Arms, see below)
What we mean with the sentence „Home is where the Pine Cone is“: That you do not necessarily have to live near Augsburg to be connected with us. The pine cone stands as a symbol for something which you can easily carry with out, and anyhow still be connected somehow with Augsburg.
Nowadays, we offer several hybrid or online events which you can join for that purpose, but when we started in 2002, technologies were not yet established: With a big support from Christians of our „mother church“
Church of the Ascension Munich some English-speaking Christians started with Services and Evening Prayers in Augsburg.
We were then a Mission Church in the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, and about 10 years later, we founded an „eingetragener Verein“ (e.V.). Since 2017, we even are an „Organized Mission“ in the Convocation of Episcopal Chruches in Europe, and since 2018, we have Dr. Lutz Ackermann as our vicar.
Of course, also the COVID pandemic left marks, and if you want, you can read in this Blog Post from 2020 some thoughts which our vicar had at the start of the pandemic.
Coming back to our own Coat of Arms: It consists of the red St. George’s Cross with the color blue in the upper-left corner which is the color of the Anglican-Episcopal Church. You will then find four symbols which represent our Saint Boniface, also one of the patron Saints of Germany:
Scripture, an axe, an oak leaf and the crozier.
We will continue to present here some snippets of our parish history, so stay tuned…
If you want to catch up on the Church of St. Boniface in a more concise format, go to the About Page